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I have a dental client that will be running 2 pieces of practice management software. One uses Sybase 9 and the other uses Sybase iSQL 16 (That's the info the company gave me but it looks like they're not called Sybase anymore) There will be a separate server for each database but 2 computers will need to have both pieces of software installed. I was told by the software developer that they have had both versions of the database running on the same network and the same computer but I was hoping that the experts here could confirm or deny that. Thank you all in advance for any help that you may be able to provide.

asked 19 Mar '18, 17:04

shamby's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, it is common to have several versions of SQL Anywhere installed and run in parallel, see that similar question. It doesn't mind what OS is actually used. Sybase was acquired by SAP, so the product name has slightly changed to SAP SQL Anywhere.

Note that one of the database servers will need to use a non-default TCP/IP port for connections, so the clients will need to specify the port, too.

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answered 19 Mar '18, 18:47

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 19 Mar '18, 18:55


To expand on what Volker said...

If you have any command files that depend on the Windows PATH settings, understand that one or the other of SQL Anywhere 9 and 16 will appear in the PATH first.

Some database utility programs (e.g. dbbackup) have the same file names in both versions, so take care that the correct version is executed. The easiest way is to use the %environment-variables% provided by each version to specify fully-qualified command lines; for example...

"%ASANY9%\win32\dbbackup.exe" options...

"%SQLANY16%\bin64\dbbackup.exe" options...
(20 Mar '18, 08:34) Breck Carter

Thank you Volker and Breck, you all are awesome. I'll check with the software manufacturer to see how we can change the default TCP/IP port. I'm not sure if I'm saying this right but there isn't the typical SQL management interface because it's all combined in the software (EagleSoft). There is a spot called Technical Reference and there is a SQL command line in there. I guess that's probably where I would change it. Does any of that sound right?

Volker, I can easily change the DB name for one of the pieces of software, do you think that would help?

Thanks again!

(21 Mar '18, 18:33) shamby
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Volker, I can easily change the DB name for one of the pieces of software, do you think that would help?

What are you trying to achieve with that?

It is no problem when two database servers running on the same machine use the same database name - if you do specify at least two of the database server name and/or the machine name and/or port to reach the database server.

Problems may arise because there are possible defaults that may or may not fit:

  • If you do not specify a database name when starting a database, the database name (DBN) will default to the file name portion of the database file without the .db extension.
  • If you do not specify a database server name when starting a database server, the server name (SERVER or ENG) will default to the DBN of the first started database.
  • If you use TCP/IP as network protocol when starting the database server and do not supply a port, it will use the first port available (2638 or the first free in the range 49152 and above).

  • When a client tries to connect to a database, it uses several defaults to reach the database server and database, and again that is dependent of the parts specified in the connection string, i.e. whether (among others) HOST, SERVER and DBN are specified or not.

The following may help further:

Troubleshooting: How database servers are located

Note that for v9, the HOST connection parameter is not available, so you need to use LINKS=TCPIP(Host=...) there.

In my understanding, if the clients do use the SERVER/ENG connection parameter, it is not necessary to specify the server port, and therefore it might be irrelevant if you specify the server port on database server start or not (and then let the start sequence of both database servers decide...).

(22 Mar '18, 15:32) Volker Barth
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question asked: 19 Mar '18, 17:04

question was seen: 1,292 times

last updated: 22 Mar '18, 15:39