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Hi all, can anyone tell me, how can I set compatibility mode ON in Interactive sql for open session?

asked 03 Jul '18, 05:52

tiki011's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What compatibility mode are you trying to enable?

(03 Jul '18, 10:19) Chris Keating

what ever I can. I need it for current session, but it would not let me. I tried set compatibility_mode on in Interactive sql, but no luck

(03 Jul '18, 11:23) tiki011
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I am using Sybase 16

(03 Jul '18, 11:26) tiki011

I can only find compatibility_mode documented for Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE). This forum is for SQL Anywhere and its components. If your question is related to ASE, you may want to ask this question in the
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Community.

(03 Jul '18, 11:34) Chris Keating
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What do you mean by "open session"?

Do you mean "open client"? If so, are you trying to use SQL Anywhere dbisql to edit an ASE database?

(04 Jul '18, 08:59) Breck Carter

yes, I have query that was working in Sybase 11. After upgrade to Sybase 16 I have query that takes ages to execute. So, our plan is to set compatibility mode ON for that query. In document on Sybooks online

there is option, but I am unable to set it. Not in Interactive sql, not in dbisql. When I set it, it just end without any resault

(04 Jul '18, 09:08) tiki011
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This forum is for SqlAnywhere, I guess you should ask the question here:

(04 Jul '18, 09:13) Vlad
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You can set compatibility options for the open connection using SET statement [T-SQL].

The list of other compatibility options is available here.

p.s. if you like my googling skills, feel free to accept this answer, otherwise other members and me would like to know what kind of compatibility you are looking for.

permanent link

answered 04 Jul '18, 09:09

Vlad's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 03 Jul '18, 05:52

question was seen: 2,102 times

last updated: 04 Jul '18, 09:13