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Hi All,

In the ISQL program for SA 12.0.1 in the "Options" dialog, the "Messages" tab has two options "Measure execution time for SQL statements" and "Show update counts". In ISQL for SA 17.0.9 I did not find these options.

Question: Have these options been removed from ISQL 17.0.9 or have I simply not found them ? If removed, how can you enable their functionality in ISQL ?

asked 14 Feb '19, 05:27

Stalker's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

This has already been discussed here: How do I see dbisql Messages tab in SQL Anywhere 17?

permanent link

answered 14 Feb '19, 07:05

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%

Read this discussion. Judging by the fact that it ended almost 3 years ago and nothing has changed in ISQL during this time, it seems that the developers did not listen to the users' opinion (by the way, I completely agree with the users) and did not return a separate tab "Messages" or output of messages on the "Results" tab.

Or is it likely that they will fix it?

It’s not very convenient to watch the results of the current query on the History tab ...

(15 Feb '19, 02:08) Stalker
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Well, it hasn't changed so far, obviously, and I have not read that a change has been planned, so I guess we should not except one. Sigh...

AFAIK, some folks therefore still use DBISQL v16 with v17 servers...

(15 Feb '19, 03:53) Volker Barth
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question asked: 14 Feb '19, 05:27

question was seen: 1,313 times

last updated: 15 Feb '19, 03:53