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We bought SQL Anywhere in 2011 but lost our key and now we need to test a migration from 12 to 17. I am getting no help from SAP. Trying to login with our old or new Customer # and their DB does not show any purchases. I have the emails from when they sent the link to download SQL 12 but we do not have the key. Any help to try to get our key for SQL anywhere 12 would be greatly appreciated. I have tried contacting and but get no response plus no phone # to talk to a live person.

asked 13 Mar '18, 15:13

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Do you have SQL Anywhere 12 installed? If so, you have no further need for a key for V12 unless you want to reinstall from scratch.

You can download the free Developers Edition of SQL Anywhere 17 for testing.

AFAIK a V12 key will not be of any benefit when it comes time to purchase SQL Anywhere 17., exactly why do you need a key?

(13 Mar '18, 15:28) Breck Carter

We need to load V12 on a test system to test migration to 17 and test mobilink sync 12 to 17 and 17 to 12. If syncs work then we can gradually upgrade clients to 17. If 12 will not sync with 17 then we need to consider our options for the upgrade.

(13 Mar '18, 15:39) Tony

For test purposes you can install SA12 without a licence key and use it for a limited time (60 days IIRC). Skip entering the licence key and continue the installation as an evaluation version.

(14 Mar '18, 05:28) Reimer Pods

As to the support channel: I do also have had difficult times to get in contact so that may take time... Finally, I could resolve licensing issues with the help of telephone calls...

(SAP certainly can improve such processes...)

(14 Mar '18, 06:19) Volker Barth

Thank you for the responses. We were about to install as Reimer stated but we found one of our installer versions that did not ask for the key. As for SAP support, they just keep pointing me to buy another maintenance pack to get the help and said they cannot help with purchases back in 2011.

(14 Mar '18, 09:51) Tony
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question asked: 13 Mar '18, 15:13

question was seen: 3,466 times

last updated: 14 Mar '18, 09:51