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A small question is not quite on the topic:
Does anyone have information where I can download the build 4484 of an unsupported Version 12.0.1?
Unfortunately, I have only "SQL Anywhere Bug Fix Readme for Version 12.0.1, build 4484".

asked 21 Dec '17, 06:35

Ilia63's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%

edited 21 Dec '17, 06:55

Vlad's gravatar image


I have converted the answer to the question, because this is actually the question. Regarding your request, you can find all ARCHIVE versions of SA here:

Just scroll down and expand the node Archive By Alphabetical Index (A-Z). The latest and probably the last version is: SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 SP109 Build 4436.

You asked about the build 4484. In the link you gave us there are no changes that were included into the Build #4484. I doubt that this build exists.

permanent link

answered 21 Dec '17, 06:55

Vlad's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

12.0.1 SP110 Build 4484 was posted for both Linux and Solaris SPARC platforms.

(21 Dec '17, 07:15) Chris Keating
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Thank you. I just thought my question was insignificant.
Now in essence:
I have build 4436 (SA12_Windows.1201_4436_EBF.exe).
Build 4484 (at least as a readme) is listed on the vendor's website (
The study of readme shows that a number of changes have been made. For example:
"================(Build #4475 - Engineering Case #803177)================
The server may have returned a procedure result set that does not have the correct schema..."
"================(Build #4474 - Engineering Case #803114)================
Under rare circumstances, the server could have crashed when ...

That's why I wanted to have the last build in my "pantry".

(21 Dec '17, 07:22) Ilia63
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Thanks :))
ps It is strange that the readme includes a case for the Windows systems:
"================(Build #4452 - Engineering Case #801963)================
On Windows systems, a custom SQL Anywhere install using the MSI file ..."

(21 Dec '17, 07:39) Ilia63

Well, that a particular build is released doesn't mean it is released for all platforms... In my understanding, is the last published EBF for Windows...

(21 Dec '17, 07:45) Volker Barth

Thanks - Happy Xmas )
ps I had no questions until I saw the build 4484:"For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow" Eccl. 1:18

(21 Dec '17, 08:58) Ilia63

We generally make fixes to all impacted versions. SPs are generated based on demand and urgency of issues. As a result, it is possible that we have pushed a fix into a release towards the end of life date and not had a reason for pursuing an SP for a platform.

(21 Dec '17, 10:52) Chris Keating

"Good to know" - and Merry Christmas, too:)

(21 Dec '17, 12:16) Volker Barth
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question asked: 21 Dec '17, 06:35

question was seen: 3,119 times

last updated: 21 Dec '17, 12:16