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Been trying to find the SQL Anywhere 9.0 Client. Cannot find it anywhere on the Sybase site as I know it has been archived.

Any Clues

asked 19 Apr '12, 23:17

Tharre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

FWIW, a current client (v11/v12) surely can connect with a v9 database server...

(20 Apr '12, 11:33) Volker Barth

to use the v12 odbc driver on a v9 database I would need to migrate and that is not an option as it is a Client's database.

(24 Apr '12, 22:57) Tharre
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That's not true IMHO. A v12 client should be able to connect to a database running on a v9 database engine, so there would not be any need to migrate a database.

It's different when you like to run a v9 database on a v12 database engine; that's not supported - but as I understand your question, you are just dealing with a database client.

(25 Apr '12, 03:29) Volker Barth

SQL Anywhere 9 client software was only provided as part of a full SQL Anywhere 9 install. It could be deployed (subject to licensing ) by selecting only the client software component in custom install, using install templates provided with the software (you would use the templates in your installer), or by manually deploying the client software (as documented, see Deploying in the online help index).

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answered 20 Apr '12, 11:27

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

Not sure why you are looking for 9.0V. Check This It has few EBFs for 9.0 series. See if you can found what you are looking for.

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answered 20 Apr '12, 03:51

Gandalf's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

No 9.0 in ebfs. I'm sure that the 9.0 has been archived for non-support. Not sure I can even find a distributable client odbc for a 64 bit environment.

(24 Apr '12, 22:56) Tharre

As I previously indicated, the ASA9 client sottware is provided only as part of the full ASA9 install. You can use newer client software if you have it (subject to licensing) to connect to an ASA9 engine ./ database.

(24 Apr '12, 23:11) Chris Keating
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Besides that, v9 EBFs are still available on the EBF download page, you just have to adapt the timeframe to include all monthes.

Cf. this link.

(25 Apr '12, 03:32) Volker Barth
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question asked: 19 Apr '12, 23:17

question was seen: 9,467 times

last updated: 25 Apr '12, 03:32