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Hi All, I have a SOAP webservice which is created in .net and I need to call the webservice from sql anywhere16. Please suggest me the steps for calling.

asked 18 Aug '17, 14:03

krishnaprasad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, you can, and it should not matter whether the webservice was written with .NET or any other language/environment, isn't that independency what web services are all about?

Have a look at the docs on "web client functions/procedures" to access web services, e.g. starting with Access to web services using web clients.

There are also samples for SOAP services.

permanent link

answered 22 Aug '17, 09:29

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

converted 22 Aug '17, 09:29

@Volker Barth : Thanks for the reply. I gone through the link that you have provided and I tried to create a function for SOAP webservice but its still giving me the error like : 'HTTP request failed. Status code '404 Not Found' SQLCODE=-983, ODBC 3 State="HY000"'

Actually I was trying to access WSDL Link as URL which is hosted in different server(I tried to access this WSDL link from database server using browser and still able to access.).

Let me share some sample code :

ALTER FUNCTION "dbo"."get"(in inputpar varchar)
returns varchar
url  'http://xadevwp.orthosportsmedicine.local/MfService.svc?wsdl'
type 'SOAP:DOC'
set 'SOAP(OP=Test)'
soapheader '!inputpar'

This service has a method 'Test' which is having one argument.

(22 Aug '17, 10:46) krishnaprasad
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Can you please check what was the exact request using the settings from the help below?

At least you can tell us what was the actual request and what URL you expect.

(23 Aug '17, 01:57) Vlad

I would recommend to use a third-party tool like SoapUI to test the web service (and/or to create the wsdl file) that way, and then use SQL Anywhere to "simulate" the according requests.

Is the "?wsdl" required as part of the URL?

Do you really need to call a web service to get the wsdl, or will you be using known web services with a known wsdl, so you can use the wsdl to define your web client functions/procedures?

(23 Aug '17, 03:53) Volker Barth
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question asked: 18 Aug '17, 14:03

question was seen: 2,300 times

last updated: 23 Aug '17, 03:53