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We need to call SOAP webservice which uses NTLM authentication. Is that possible in SQL Anywhere 16 using web client procedure/function (i. e. without using external environments)?


asked 05 Jun '17, 04:50

Arthoor's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 05 Jun '17, 04:54

Note: Having never heard of "NTLM authentication" I had to look it up. After a brief look at it, I can say that the server does not have builtin code to do this type of authentication. But... it would seem to me that the server provides you everything that you would need to implement it. I.e. use plain http requests, captures the responses, compose the appropriate reply and send it back to the server. This would take some effort.

It could be easier to use an external environment procedure!


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answered 05 Jun '17, 08:54

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 05 Jun '17, 11:53

...and then there's this: "Microsoft no longer recommends NTLM in applications"

(05 Jun '17, 11:45) Breck Carter
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> "HTLM authentication"

That's a NASA thing.

(05 Jun '17, 11:49) Breck Carter
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I fixed my typo ;-)

(05 Jun '17, 11:54) Mark Culp

AFAIK, NTLM authentication is not that uncommon within (older) Windows Networks.

(06 Jun '17, 03:33) Volker Barth
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question asked: 05 Jun '17, 04:50

question was seen: 2,303 times

last updated: 06 Jun '17, 06:22