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We currently have legacy Powerbuilder 6 applications which are quite happily running away on SQL Anywhere 5. We have 12 concurrent licences.

Due to server upgrades our DBAs want to update this to SQL Anywhere 17, if possible. I don't really understand the versions and licencing structure now so am looking for some advice. Simple question - what is the cheapest option to replicate what we have? We have 3 databases running under one instance of SQL Anywhere 5 on a virtual server. the databases are used daily but do not have heavy traffic. We could get away with 7 concurrent licences (if they still exist) but would need 12 if it's per seat.

Any advice appreciated.

asked 28 Jun '17, 10:22

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SQL Anywhere 17 Edge Edition, workplace (core) would likely be the closest. This allows unlimited concurrent users. Here is information on SAP Store:


There is also a named user (similar to per seat) that comes in 5 and 10 user Edge Editions that would require additional named user licenses to get to the desired 12 users.

(28 Jun '17, 13:31) Chris Keating
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In move from V5 to V17, licensing is going to be the simplest part.

(29 Jun '17, 07:03) Dmitri
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(29 Jun '17, 16:35) Breck Carter

> licensing is going to be the simplest part

That's so funny! :)

(29 Jun '17, 16:39) Breck Carter

I would be interested in the OP's currently used OS - I have never been successful in running v5.5 on Windows 7 or newer, and using a v9 database engine with v5.5 databases turned out difficult because of charset issues (y'know, v5.5's ODBC driver had a separate translator DLL.).

On the other hand, nowadays I have found out that getting one's already bought licenses isn't that easy in the SAP Support Portal, either - although probably still much easier than upgrading the application/clients from v5.5.

(30 Jun '17, 03:10) Volker Barth
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question asked: 28 Jun '17, 10:22

question was seen: 1,556 times

last updated: 30 Jun '17, 03:10