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Dear Experts,

What are the advantages of using SQL Anywhere or Ultralite when compared to SQLite.

asked 03 May '17, 04:42

suberta's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

SQL Anywhere is the DB server;
Ultralite is the file-based DB (not server);
Ultralite can be synchronized with other DB servers (see Mobilink);
SQLite has a different purpose.

(03 May '17, 08:31) Vlad

Can you please explain a little. And what is the purpose of SQLite because I have read it is widely used as a DB for mobile applications.

(03 May '17, 09:03) suberta
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This is the biggest help that I can give you here for SQLite, because your question is not related to SAP products.
Here is my advice:

(03 May '17, 09:38) Vlad

Hi Suberta,

As Vlad says, SQL Anywhere is a full client-server database intended for embedded and other resource-restricted environments. It is a lot more like PostgreSQL than like SQLite. SQL Anywhere can handle hundreds of concurrent database connections whereas SQLite cannot really handle more than a few. As the SQLite home page Vlad links to says: "Think of SQLite not as a replacement for Oracle but as a replacement for fopen()". So if you want a multi-user database system, SQL Anywhere is one and SQLite is not.

UltraLite is a lot more like SQLite: both are libraries. But the big difference for most of our users is that UltraLite has synchronization built in, meaning that it has a network client that understands the SQL Anywhere MobiLink synchronization protocol, that it tracks changes in the database so they can be synchronized properly, and it cleans up those changes after a successful sync. For SQLite you would have to do that work yourself as a developer.

Obviously those are very broad paragraphs and there is a lot more detail, but I hope they give you a starting point.

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answered 04 May '17, 10:05

Tom%20Slee's gravatar image

Tom Slee
accept rate: 29%

edited 04 May '17, 10:05

compare anywhere agains postgres are very ignorant sing! but in any case

the sync its not a advantage, due not sync with others db's.. umm ultralite its more complicated, the only advantage its the sync?.. not so used today in a widelly connected world...

commercial or private. SQLite is the most widely deployed database in the world with more applications than we can count, including several high-profile projects.

as sqlite page said!

(12 Jul '17, 07:54) mckaygerhard
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I have heard you, and I partially agree: Free software is good until you need help.

(14 Jul '17, 03:29) Vlad

(14 Jul '17, 06:17) Breck Carter

I have to (begrudgingly!) say, if half of what's said on the SQLite about page is true then it is a fine product... many of the points made are hot-button points with me, like "ACID after power loss" and "aircraft-grade testing" and "long-term support"... if SQL Anywhere becomes any more stealthy than it is now (and that trajectory seems clear), SQLite could be [cough] worth a look [choke].

signed, Breck Forever The SQL Anywhere Fanboy :)

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answered 07 May '17, 05:22

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

converted 07 May '17, 05:30

Note however those SQL restrictions (additionally, I'm not sure about derived tables and OLAP support):

Volker belongs to that fan group, too.

(07 May '17, 07:06) Volker Barth
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As Tom implied, a more useful comparison might be SQLite versus UltraLite, with reference to the "UltraLite" column in this table as well as some of the links on the same page.

(07 May '17, 19:59) Breck Carter

I can add that I like to read something interesting about in-memory and NoSql DBs, and I have read that people have taken the SQL engine+parser+whatever from SQLite and embed it into the own NoSql DB (no names, just a fact :) ). So the time will show, whether this was wise or not.

(08 May '17, 04:32) Vlad
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question asked: 03 May '17, 04:42

question was seen: 3,092 times

last updated: 14 Jul '17, 06:22