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Dear Experts,

I have developed an SAPUI5 application on Eclipse and I am using a SQL Anywhere database as its back end. I want to debug the SQL procedure called in the UI5 application for posting data. I have opened the SQL Anywhere in debug mode but the application doesn't stop at the breakpoint. Kindly help.

asked 24 Apr '17, 02:47

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There is an article in DCX that describes everything related to the debugging in SA17. Have you read and followed it? The SQL Anywhere Debugger

(24 Apr '17, 04:18) Vlad
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Yes, I have read it and I am able to debug the procedure through Interactive SQL Window. Only when I run my SAPUI5 application that is calling this procedure, the breakpoint is not triggered.

(24 Apr '17, 05:51) suberta

When you switch to debug view in SQL Central, you have to accept the "debug all users" (*) suggestion. I'm guessing you have done that because you can debug from Interactive SQL windows.

If I had to guess I'd suspect the procedure is not being called. There are several moving parts between UI5 and the stored procedure: perhaps the problem is in one of those parts. You could check by adding a MESSAGE statement with TO CONSOLE ( to your procedure: like a printf only it writes to the SQL Anywhere console.

(26 Apr '17, 10:46) Tom Slee
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question asked: 24 Apr '17, 02:47

question was seen: 1,168 times

last updated: 26 Apr '17, 10:46