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Hello guys,

Simple question: Is the timeout parameter specified in an Ultralite->Mobilink connection string equivalent to the LivenessTimeout parameter, which I can set in UltraliteJ, for example, using the method setLivenessTimeout of SyncParms class?

I basically need to decrease the connection timeout a little bit, since some users with poor internet connection are waiting to long to know if their application are syncing or not.

asked 12 Apr '17, 14:49

Alex's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

Yes, the UltraLiteJ SyncParms LivenessTimeout property sets the 'timeout' sync stream parameter.

The default of 240s is certainly long for some cases on wireless networks. You could try a value like 30s. If you decrease the value too much, you may find syncs are timing out too aggressively and progress is not optimal.

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answered 12 Apr '17, 17:11

Tim%20McClements's gravatar image

Tim McClements
accept rate: 35%

Is there an equivalent configuration in the service command line? If so, this would be easier for us, since no client change would be needed.

(13 Apr '17, 06:53) Alex
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No, this is a client option.

(25 Apr '17, 16:08) Tim McClements
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question asked: 12 Apr '17, 14:49

question was seen: 2,329 times

last updated: 25 Apr '17, 16:08