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I have a Linux (Ubuntu) script that STARTS a collection of databases that operate in an HA server environment. To "be safe" there is a sleep(5) between each START but I'd like to know if that is actually necessary.

Thank you.

asked 06 Apr '17, 11:30

AlK's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

How do you start a collection of databases (on an already running, I assume) via a shell script? I would think you would use the START DATABASE SQL statement for that, and such a statement would simply block the next statement until it is finished, so no artificial delay is needed...?

(06 Apr '17, 11:41) Volker Barth
Replies hidden

Thanks for the reply Volker.

Yes, this is done w/an Ubuntu Bash script with a series of dbisqls and START DATABASES. I pulled out my sleeps and everything just blasted right through and all dbs (per dblocate) came up with no problem (and, of course, much faster). The only issue is that a pair of terminal windows open up for each database (START on Primary and on Mirror) and they all open "at the same time". That would suggest that the START does not actually block but rather that the server is perhaps queuing up the STARTS. That's what makes me a bit nervous. Any ideas on this?

(06 Apr '17, 21:21) AlK

If your concern is related to the question whether databases can be started in parallel, why not use one single SQL batch to start all databases in sequential order?

(You could also use one "master" database which has a "DatabaseStart" event to start the "real" databases internally, not requiring a separate ISQL session. Of course such an event should be highly configurable... - Here's some discussion on such an event and the internal actions of starting several databases at the same time...)

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answered 07 Apr '17, 03:48

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

converted 10 Apr '17, 02:47

Hi Volker,

Thanks for your input and especially for the link! If you can move your response to an "Answer" status I'd be happy to mark it as "the Answer"!

(09 Apr '17, 09:11) AlK

FWIW here is the code used to start 100 databases for a Foxhound regression test; it has worked flawlessly for years...

  -f "%SQLANY16%\bin64\dbsrv16.exe"^
  -c 700M^
  -n ddd^
  -o dbsrv16_log.txt^
  -os 10M^
  -x tcpip^

  -c "ENG=ddd;DBN=ddd001;UID=dba;PWD=sql;LINKS=TCPIP"^
  READ ENCODING CP1252 $06s_script_start_ddd002_to_100.sql

  -c "ENG=ddd;DBN=ddd001;UID=dba;PWD=sql;"

START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd002.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd003.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd004.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd005.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd006.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd007.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd008.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd009.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd010.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd011.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd012.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd013.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd014.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd015.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd016.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd017.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd018.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd019.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd020.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd021.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd022.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd023.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd024.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd025.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd026.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd027.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd028.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd029.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd030.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd031.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd032.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd033.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd034.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd035.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd036.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd037.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd038.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd039.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd040.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd041.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd042.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd043.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd044.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd045.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd046.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd047.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd048.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd049.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd050.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd051.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd052.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd053.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd054.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd055.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd056.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd057.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd058.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd059.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd060.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd061.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd062.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd063.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd064.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd065.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd066.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd067.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd068.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd069.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd070.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd071.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd072.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd073.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd074.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd075.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd076.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd077.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd078.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd079.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd080.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd081.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd082.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd083.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd084.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd085.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd086.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd087.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd088.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd089.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd090.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd091.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd092.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd093.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd094.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd095.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd096.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd097.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd098.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd099.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
START DATABASE 'C:/projects/foxhound_100_V16_databases/ddd100.db' AUTOSTOP OFF;
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answered 10 Apr '17, 08:23

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 06 Apr '17, 11:30

question was seen: 2,076 times

last updated: 10 Apr '17, 08:23