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I was unable to get Cockpit to run with a minimal installation of the Bin32 folder without including dbcis17.dll, which is not indicated as required in the documentation. If this file is required, the documentation needs to be updated to indicate so.

asked 05 Sep '16, 12:50

robertwigley's gravatar image

accept rate: 80%

For others: Here is the link to the documentation:

It says: dbcis17.dll(6) 6 - Required only if using remote data access.

Probably the cockpit requires "remote data access", because it is Cockpit and should monitor many DBs. But this is just an assumption.

(06 Sep '16, 03:43) Vlad
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Probably the cockpit requires "remote data access", because it is Cockpit and should monitor many DBs. But this is just an assumption.

I second that assumption: As the cockpit is a SQL Anywhere database itself, it will require remote data access to access other databases...

I also agree with Robert that this ought to be stated explicitly in the docs.

(06 Sep '16, 04:05) Volker Barth

Yes, the fact that it is documented as "Required only if using remote data access" did lead me to guess that it might need this file. However, it needs to be documented that it is also required for SQL Anywhere Cockpit, if this is the case.

(06 Sep '16, 06:00) robertwigley

You are all correct, the Cockpit does use remote data access to get information from the individual databases running on a server. I have added a comment to the Database Server Deployment page to reflect this.

permanent link

answered 08 Sep '16, 14:28

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

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question asked: 05 Sep '16, 12:50

question was seen: 2,134 times

last updated: 08 Sep '16, 14:28