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I am starting an update from SQA 11 to 17. From a previous post, I am attempting to updated the consolidated to 16 and then update all the remotes to 17. I am going do the remote updates over a month or two so I need the v11 remotes to talk to the v16 mlsrv. Previously and did this going to version 9 to 11 and I had to set up a different port for each version. I can't find this in doc exchange for 16 so I am wondering if I need different ports for v11 and v17?


asked 18 Aug '16, 10:50

jimboidaho_gplus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This isn't needed anymore. We completely overhauled the ML network protocol in 10, so the version 10 and 11 servers had a -xo switch which essentially started up a version 9 server on a different port inside your version 10 or 11 server. When we dropped support for version 9 clients in 12 we also got rid of the -xo switch. The new protocol is flexible enough that we've been able to make backwards and forwards compatibility with supported versions just work.

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answered 18 Aug '16, 10:54

Bill%20Somers's gravatar image

Bill Somers
accept rate: 40%

That is good. Thanks.

(18 Aug '16, 14:29) jimboidaho_g...
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question asked: 18 Aug '16, 10:50

question was seen: 1,054 times

last updated: 18 Aug '16, 14:29