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I have a fairly large Customer that needs to update from version 11 since they need to upgrade there windows 2003 server. The last time I did this upgrading 9 to 11, there was a way I could have both versions syncing at the same time. What I would like to do is have both versions of ml server running with different ports so I can more slowly. Is this possible?


asked 04 Aug '16, 19:02

jimboidaho_gplus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

An upgrade from version 9 to version 11 can be a pretty straight forward upgrade because the version 11 MobiLink server can support version 9 MobiLink clients by design.

You are unfortunately not going to be able to do the same this with version 17. MobiLink is designed to support just 2 versions back. For version 17, that means the Mobilink server can only support version 12.0.x and 16.0.0 clients directly.

For that reason you may want to consider upgrading to/through version 16 first.

The natural upgrade for Mobilink based systems is this sequence: 1 - upgrade the consolidated database 2 - upgrade the MobiLink server (1 or 2 versions higher only) 3 - incrementally upgrade the remotes and if you can achieve that you do not need to have 2 different versions of the MobiLink server running.

Running 2 different versions of MobiLink servers with different ports is a possibility but you do need to design this solution. Just having different ports alone will usually not be sufficient. You will probably need to have different script versions and will need 2 installations of the MobiLink system objects (under different accounts) to track the changes independantly.

(05 Aug '16, 10:56) Nick Elson S...

Thanks Nick. Looks like 16 it is.

(05 Aug '16, 11:15) jimboidaho_g...

Another question. When I upgraded from 9 to 11, I seem to remember that I had to have two different ports setup one for each version. Looking through the I can't seem to find that and I was wondering I still have to do that or will both version (11 and 17) of remote DB work

(18 Aug '16, 09:28) jimboidaho_g...
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It might be best to post this as a new question so it gets seen by as many people as possible.

(18 Aug '16, 10:03) Justin Willey

This isn't needed anymore. We completely overhauled the ML network protocol in 10, so the version 10 and 11 servers had a -xo switch which essentially started up a version 9 server on a different port inside your version 10 or 11 server. When we dropped support for version 9 clients in 12 we also got rid of the -xo switch. The new protocol is flexible enough that we've been able to make backwards and forwards compatibility with supported versions just work.

(18 Aug '16, 10:52) Bill Somers

As of version 16 and going forward, we plan for the ML server to support two versions of clients backwards and forwards. So the version 16 ML servers will work with your old 11 clients and can also work with new version 17 clients. So you could upgrade your server to 16, transition your remotes to 17 and then upgrade your server to 17 after all your 11 remotes have been upgraded.

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answered 05 Aug '16, 17:01

Bill%20Somers's gravatar image

Bill Somers
accept rate: 40%

converted 24 Aug '16, 04:26

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Volker Barth

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question asked: 04 Aug '16, 19:02

question was seen: 1,934 times

last updated: 18 Aug '16, 10:52