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A few years ago Jeff provided these links to SAP's policies on support of virtual environments. Are there up-to-date equivalent statements available?

For Sybase, an SAP Company's support statement on virtual environments, see:

For SAP's support statement on generic virtual environments, see:

For SAP's support statement on public cloud environments, see:

Many thanks

asked 26 Jul '16, 11:05

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Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%


Have you noticed that topic within the v17 documentation:

(26 Jul '16, 11:55) Volker Barth
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Thank you Volker I hadn't seen that. The statement re performance is helpful when trying to persuade clients that virtualisation doesn't give you something for nothing.

(26 Jul '16, 12:17) Justin Willey

> The statement re performance

For those (like me) too lazy to follow links:

SQL Anywhere is supported on virtual machines such as VMWare, Xen, and MS Virtual Server/Windows Server Virtualization with some restrictions:
3. The extent of support does not cover performance. SAP does not guarantee the performance of SQL Anywhere products running on virtual machines.

In the real world, that is often unexpected news for sysadmins.

(27 Jul '16, 08:53) Breck Carter

For those who do follow links here's one to an early story about sysadmins.

(27 Jul '16, 09:03) Breck Carter
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question asked: 26 Jul '16, 11:05

question was seen: 1,758 times

last updated: 27 Jul '16, 09:20