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We recently ran into this in our test lab, where we normally test our software on virtual machines.

With a SQLA 12 database service running on a Windows 2008 R2 Server virtual machine, if we are running a live backup against it (dbbackup -l, version 12) from the host machine or from another physical or virtual machine, we observe the database locking up for 15 - 25 seconds at regular intervals of 1.5 to 5 minutes. The lockup can be seen by repeating a simple query in ISQL or running our application, which accesses the database regularly. The lockup only occurs when the live backup is running.

We couldn't reproduce the problem when we used real physical machines.

The virtualization software is Microsoft Hyper-V (2008 version). The SQL Anywhere version is

Any insight into what might be causing this would be appreciated, thanks.

asked 20 Dec '12, 10:49

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Bob Leviton
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Check the console log to determine if the lockups coincide with checkpoints?

(20 Dec '12, 10:52) Mark Culp
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question asked: 20 Dec '12, 10:49

question was seen: 2,173 times

last updated: 20 Dec '12, 10:52