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I spent the better part of one hour yesterday talking to 2 different SAP sales reps who were very responsive but could not (yet) answer what looked like a simple question from a willing customer:

Say that I have a database-backed website, running SQL Anwyhere of course, that I'd like to host in the cloud on one single AWS EC2 m3.xlarge instance.

Amazon reports that m3.xlarge instances have 4 vCPUs

Say that I don't need any fancy option and I can live with a Workgroup Edition.

How many chips do I need to license?

Sales (Belgium) did not know and need to get back to me.

Now, for my own clarification, I fired up one m3.xlarge instance and installed SQLA 12 developer edition. According to this matrix -- I couldn't find anything similar on the site -- the developer edition is not CPU-limited.

The server console log reports this:

I. 06/23 20:36:44. Processors detected: 1 (containing 4 logical processors)
I. 06/23 20:36:44. Maximum number of physical processors the server will use: 1
I. 06/23 20:36:44. This server is licensed to:
I. 06/23 20:36:44. Developer Edition
I. 06/23 20:36:44. Restricted Use
I. 06/23 20:36:44. Running Windows 2008 Build 6002 Service Pack 2 on X86_64

Am I correct in assuming that a 1-chip licence is all that's required, despite the 4 vCPUs/logical processors?

asked 24 Jun '14, 00:22

Vincent%20Buck's gravatar image

Vincent Buck
accept rate: 15%

edited 24 Jun '14, 00:26

Yes, you are correct. A single CPU license would be sufficient in this case. SQL Anywhere Workgroup Edition (which supports a maximum of 2 physical CPUs) would be sufficient.

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answered 24 Jun '14, 09:49

Jason%20Hinsperger's gravatar image

Jason Hinspe...
accept rate: 35%


So it's basically a valid and reasonable way to install a developer edition in a VM to get to know how many physical processors are detected and have to be licensed?

(24 Jun '14, 10:56) Volker Barth
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Thank you so much, Jason!

(24 Jun '14, 11:22) Vincent Buck

In this specific case, the number of CPUs reported by the developer edition matches the number of CPUs that need to be licensed. I can't promise that this will always be true, but it is a good starting point.

Also note that you do not have to license all CPUs on a machine. You only need to license the CPUs that you want SQL Anywhere to use.
eg. You can run SQLA Workgroup on a 4 CPU machine, but the database server will only use 2 of those CPUs because that is all it is licensed for.

(24 Jun '14, 11:29) Jason Hinspe...

OK, so I re-phrase this to "get to know how many physical processors are detected and may have to be licensed?" :)

(24 Jun '14, 11:43) Volker Barth
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question asked: 24 Jun '14, 00:22

question was seen: 2,610 times

last updated: 24 Jun '14, 11:43