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There's a handy presentation on about virtualizing ASE here. A SQLAnywhere friendly version would be very useful, especially one that highlights the potential downsides re performance on heavily used systems.

There is a significant community out there that seems to have been persuaded by their hosting suppliers that virtualization is a universal panacea and that they can happily have file servers, Exchange Servers, database servers etc all happily thrown on to the same box with no effect on each other despite the wildly differing characteristics of the different processes.

asked 21 Mar '11, 08:56

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%

edited 21 Mar '11, 10:05

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

@Justin: The link to the ASE paper seems to be missing?

(21 Mar '11, 09:18) Mark Culp
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That's the link fixed - thanks, Justin

(21 Mar '11, 09:26) Justin Willey

What are you saying, that virtualization is not a universal panacea? ...I was going to dig out an old PC XT from the basement to run everything... :)

(21 Mar '11, 10:11) Breck Carter
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XT?? What do you need that hard drive for? C90s & floppies rule :-)

(21 Mar '11, 10:37) Justin Willey

Interesting slide show. Seems to me that virtualization is great for application servers, I'm not at all inclined to seriously consider it for SQA database server.

(21 Mar '11, 13:19) Ron Hiner
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When we were looking at it we found it was quite good if you have many small databases running on only a few servers, it's easier to maintain and if a database falls over and the server needs a reboot you don't disturb other databases. However as you say application servers and small web service type servers that don't need much grunt seem to be the best use of them. Others may have different views though so something official from sybase would be nice.

(21 Mar '11, 15:30) Daz Liquid
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question asked: 21 Mar '11, 08:56

question was seen: 2,838 times

last updated: 21 Mar '11, 15:30