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How to use the SQL statement to save the RAR or EXE file in binary mode, and also can use the SQL statement to export and save the local file

asked 25 Aug '15, 11:01

mfkpie8's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

If you plan on reading a .RAR/.EXE from the file system and store/retrieve those into/from a table you can use the XP_READ_FILE( ) and XP_WRITE_FILE( ) system procedures.

You can also just access the files directly using a Directory Access Server and leaving the files on the file system but still have access to them via SQL.


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answered 25 Aug '15, 13:41

Nick%20Elson%20SAP%20SQL%20Anywhere's gravatar image

Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

edited 25 Aug '15, 13:41

1 how to convert update.exe binary save to the database, because the use of the xp_read_file function will save is garbled!

2 the client uses any statement to convert back to EXE file pls see picture

3.Does ASA have FILESTREAM concept for user MSSQL: insert into s1(data) SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'd:\19991030172400.rar', SINGLE_BLOB) AS Document

(26 Aug '15, 00:42) mfkpie8
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xp_read_file() and xp_write_file() work with binary data (i.e. a LONG BINARY data type), so they should not garble anything at all. May it be that you use a LONG VARCHAR (or LONG NVARCHAR) variable/column instead to set/receive the data or to the store that in the according table? Then I guess the usual charset/collation issues could take place between database engine and client...

As the the FILESTREAM question: See that according question:

Does SQL Anywhere have an equivalent feature as compared to Microsoft SQL Filestream?

(26 Aug '15, 03:19) Volker Barth

thanks ,I changed the data type to LONG BINARY

When I put the PNG file in the rar file to upload the database can be, but if use EXE file is not possible,pls

(26 Aug '15, 03:57) mfkpie8
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Sorry, I just don't understand the exact problem: What do you mean by "upload"?

xp_read_file() will treat an EXE file exactly like any other file.

(26 Aug '15, 04:13) Volker Barth

but if use EXE file insert to table,When using xp_wirte_file output exe, found that exe can not be run

(26 Aug '15, 04:24) mfkpie8

I have two windows 2008 R2 server: A server b server Use A Computer: 1.

insert into aaa (updateexe) select xp_read_file ('c: \ windows \ system32 \ notepad.exe')

Upload --read notepad.exe notepad.exe get insert statements 2.

The next generation insert statement  INSERT INTO "DBA". "Aaa" ("updateexe") VALUES (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)

  1. Using ISQL (interactive SQL) connection B Computer ASA Insert binary data

  2. already connected to the computer B ASA execution:

select xp_write_file ('d: \ Nnotepad.exe', updateexe) from aaa --save as d: \ Nnotepad.exe Save the notepad.exe to D:

Problem: D: \ notepad.exe not run

(27 Aug '15, 01:37) mfkpie8
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answered 26 Aug '15, 00:43

mfkpie8's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%


It looks like it worked... what's the problem?

Posting an image with no explanation is rude behavior... everyone here has better things to do than try to read your mind.

(26 Aug '15, 04:11) Breck Carter

but if use EXE file insert to table,When using xp_wirte_file output exe, found that exe can not be run

(26 Aug '15, 04:24) mfkpie8
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> exe can not be run

Provide proof.

(26 Aug '15, 06:05) Breck Carter

Is it possible you just have the rows reversed? (ie. your are calling xp_write_file to write out your PK RAR file as the .EXE?)

TIP: Opening up the produced .EXE should show the MZ header and not the PK header (aka file type).

(26 Aug '15, 17:03) Nick Elson S...
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'I have two windows 2008 R2 server: A server b server
Use A Computer:



insert into aaa (updateexe)
select xp_read_file ('c: \\ windows \ system32 \\ notepad.exe')

Upload --read notepad.exe notepad.exe get insert statements

  The next generation insert statement
 INSERT INTO "DBA". "Aaa" ("updateexe") VALUES (0x4d5a90000300000004000000ffff0000b8000000000000004000000000000000

3. Using ISQL (interactive SQL) connection B Computer ASA
Insert binary data

4. already connected to the computer B ASA execution:

select xp_write_file ('d: \\ Nnotepad.exe', updateexe) from aaa
--save as d: \ Nnotepad.exe
Save the notepad.exe to D:

D: \ notepad.exe not run
(27 Aug '15, 01:38) mfkpie8

Your answer was correct, I just started using var char type, but found a mistake now the type to long LONG BINARY, but found preserved exe file can not run

(27 Aug '15, 02:06) mfkpie8

Hm, such long lines just ruin the forum GUI...

Have you made sure that the files (the source exe and the one extracted from the database) are binary identical (say, with the CMD tool "fc /b")? If they are identical (and they should), make sure the file permissions are correct.

(27 Aug '15, 04:03) Volker Barth
> 'd: \\ Nnotepad.exe'

Try running Nnotepad.exe because that is the name you gave it.
(27 Aug '15, 05:53) Breck Carter

> long lines just ruin the forum GUI

Volker, you have the power to fix that! (plus a few pre tags can clear up a lot questions :)

(27 Aug '15, 05:56) Breck Carter

Yep, you are right, and it's possible even without "magical" statistics:) - Hm, although reputation points may count as stats, too:)

(27 Aug '15, 06:26) Volker Barth
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question asked: 25 Aug '15, 11:01

question was seen: 2,457 times

last updated: 27 Aug '15, 06:27