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Can mobilink be used to sync the conso and remote databases in the cloud applications?

Our company is thinking of developing the SaaS application. The conso database is supposed to be in the cloud and the remote databases will be on the end user's device (Android). Will Mobilink be able to handle such configuration and how many end users can be syncing at the same time?

asked 06 Jul '15, 07:43

Maria%20Poltinina's gravatar image

Maria Poltinina
accept rate: 0%


From the remote Android database's point of view, all consolidated databases are "in the cloud" from an architectural point of view, meaning that the consolidated database is located "somewhere else" on the internet, identified by an IP address.

The devil is in the details, of course... for example, the setup may be challenging if you are using a third party cloud hosting service that has no clue about running the MobiLink server (which you probably want to run close by, network-wise, to the consolidated database server).

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answered 06 Jul '15, 08:29

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

But is it possible to put Mobilink server in the cloud as well?

(06 Jul '15, 10:12) Maria Poltinina
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Of course... the cloud is just a network of computers. Will you be allowed to put a MobiLink server in any particular vendor's piece of the cloud? That's a question for the vendor.

(06 Jul '15, 21:11) Breck Carter
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question asked: 06 Jul '15, 07:43

question was seen: 1,177 times

last updated: 06 Jul '15, 21:11