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When I try and run the replay script I get the following warning:

[5001] The recorded protocol being replayed is uploading schema information. Therefore, this recorded protocol cannot be replayed again without restarting the MobiLink server

How do I prevent needing to restarting the MobiLink server?

asked 19 May '15, 11:36

BJII's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks Russ.

Can MLReplay be used to replay synchronizations to the remote db?

(19 May '15, 12:40) BJII

No. MLReplay is meant to stress the ML Server.

(20 May '15, 16:13) Reg Domaratzki

You'll need two MLReplay recordings. The first is a replay of a remote's first_ever synchronization against a brand new MobiLink server instance. The second is a subsequent synchronization. You then pass the first recording to MobiLink server on startup, using the following option:

    -rrp directory  replay all recorded protocol files (files with extension mlr) in the specified directory on startup

You can then use the second recording for load testing or whatever.

Hope that helps,

  • Russ
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answered 19 May '15, 11:49

RussC_FromSAP's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 19 May '15, 11:52

Thanks Russ.

Can MLReplay be used to replay synchronizations to the remote db?

(19 May '15, 12:40) BJII
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question asked: 19 May '15, 11:36

question was seen: 1,055 times

last updated: 10 Jun '15, 08:11