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Hello everybody,

we are using UltraLite 16 on a Windows platform. What we want to display on the UI is the time of the last synchronization. I wonder if there is a API (or even better a SQL statement) that can give me that.

If not, we can note down the timestamp ourself, but it would be slick if we could get it from the db itself.

Thanks and best regards, Alex

asked 10 Mar '15, 06:38

Alexander%20Ilg's gravatar image

Alexander Ilg
accept rate: 50%

A wild guess based on the docs:

SELECT download_timestamp from SYSPUBLICATION WHERE publication_name = 'YourChoice';

should give the according time.

For SQL Anywhere ML clients, the according value would be contained in column "last_download_time" in SYSSYNC2 (or SYSSYNC). Here also the "last_upload_time" is documented.

I can't tell whether the timestamp values are based on server or client time...

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answered 10 Mar '15, 07:00

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 10 Mar '15, 07:03


server or client time

Hmmm... what would Watcom do?

Server time, or total chaos? :)


"After an upload is committed and immediately before invoking the prepare_for_download event, the MobiLink server fetches the current time from the consolidated database and saves the value."

(10 Mar '15, 07:30) Breck Carter
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So you're saying that's a way lesser WAG? :)

(10 Mar '15, 07:33) Volker Barth

The typical way to query information about the last synchronization is the GetSyncResult API. It populates a ul_sync_result structure containing the local time of the last synchronization, along with upload status, error status, and data transfer statistics.

There is also the SYSSYNCRESULT system table which provides the same information.

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answered 10 Mar '15, 15:52

Tim%20McClements's gravatar image

Tim McClements
accept rate: 35%

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question asked: 10 Mar '15, 06:38

question was seen: 1,388 times

last updated: 10 Mar '15, 15:52