Please be aware that the SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down on August 29th, 2024 when all it's content will be migrated to the SAP Community.

Once again, we are hosting a technical summit focussed on SQL Anywhere in Waterloo November 5-7, 2014. We would love to have you join us if you are able. For more details, see SQL Anywhere Technical Summit 2014

Direct registration link

asked 02 Sep '14, 14:49

Jason%20Hinsperger's gravatar image

Jason Hinspe...
accept rate: 35%

I'm going, who else? comments here

(03 Sep '14, 15:00) Breck Carter
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Hm, just as the last time, unfortunately I won't be able to take part - so I'm gonna ask that question again...:

Will there be webcasts or other public docs on the SQL Anywhere Technical Summit?

For folks like me - located on the other side of the continental drift -, it might be too good a dream to be able to get a glimpse at that event via some kind of live chat or have a look at a summarizing webinar or whatever:)

See, I won't be asking for an IvanAnywhere for everyone:)

(04 Sep '14, 03:48) Volker Barth
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As to the registration:

It seems I can register there and tell that I will not attend the event. That seems somewhat irritating to me...

Does this mean even "non-participants" are asked to (or given the chance to) express topics one would find interesting, use cases one focusses on and the like?

(04 Sep '14, 06:44) Volker Barth
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> webcasts

That's pretty much a no-brainer... just do it, don't committee it :)

(04 Sep '14, 08:20) Breck Carter

I'm coming (or going - depending on your current location) :)

(04 Sep '14, 09:29) Justin Willey

Just don't ask SAP - you'll need to enter your account password every 3 seconds :(

(04 Sep '14, 09:30) Justin Willey

The registration page was originally meant for those who received a direct invitation via e-mail (which should be all SQLA customers). However, recognizing that the person who writes the cheque and the developer are often different people, we decided to more widely publicize the registration information. I leave it to you to determine why a different page wasn't used (it may have something to do with how long it took to get the first registration page done...).

In any case, you are welcome to leave any comments you would like to on the reg. form, including things like requests for recorded sessions and specific areas of interest.

(04 Sep '14, 10:03) Jason Hinspe...

So... are you going to make the journey? Waterloo is lovely that time of the year, just like home! :)

(04 Sep '14, 20:05) Breck Carter

Yup - an excuse to come over is too good to miss! I hope the weather isn't like home; summer here ended rather abruptly in mid-August. Anything > 0 Celsius counts as warm :)

(05 Sep '14, 08:09) Justin Willey

I'll be there!! Doing my standard fly into Detroit dirt cheap, then get a rental car and drive the three hours. :)

(19 Sep '14, 10:32) Jeff Gibson

mmmmm, Detroit, home of Low Winter Sun!

alt text

(22 Sep '14, 15:58) Breck Carter

Just as a humble reminder:

I guess I'm not the only one absent who would be glad to get some feedback on the summit's events... - please feel invited to share your impressions:)

(05 Nov '14, 03:54) Volker Barth
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Great Summit so far Volker. Showing some very cool stuff that they are putting into SQL Anywhere 17. Just for myself though, the best part had to be when Karl-Heinz Hoffman from SAP got up and started touting HANA to a bunch of SQL Anywhere developers. And I know he didn't mean to do it, but he more or less demeaned the power of SQL Anywhere by discussing how SQL Anywhere basically becomes a great (my words - nice little database to work with THE GREAT HANA). Before I could even get any words out of my mouth three individuals here practically jumped on him about the horrible job SAP has done with the Sybase tool line. Somebody jumped on him about bug fixes. I didn't know somebody could actually tap dance that well as he tried to explain why they charged to fix bugs in SAP software (Where with Sybase, they would provide those free of charge for us). He finally didn't have an answer and said "Why don't we take this offline for later". It took everything in me to not laugh at the top of my lungs. Hoping I get a chance to give Karl my 2 cents. :)

(05 Nov '14, 16:26) Jeff Gibson
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question asked: 02 Sep '14, 14:49

question was seen: 3,877 times

last updated: 05 Nov '14, 16:26