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How are ULConnectionParms and ULConnectionStringBuilder different? Why would I use the former over the latter?

asked 24 Mar '14, 14:24

JBSchueler's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

I suspect you are doing your LEAN thing here and probably already know more than I Jack. But given there may be other possible readers let me drop some thoughts down.

To me these are different mostly in their history and how they inherit from the .Net Frameworks . . . otherwise both do much the same function . . . with some minor differences

ULConnectionParms is the older of the two, initially releases as part of the ADO.Net 1.0 driver ... the name probably has some history in common with the ActiveX and Codewarrier era ... It inherits from System.ComponentModel.Component which is pretty basic and foundational ...

In contrast ULConnectionStringBuilder seems to be new in ADO.Net 2.0 driver ... and is derived from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder with is more specialized Class family related to this specific function ... You can see from it is the base for all ConnectionString builder for all drivers from Microsoft.

There may be advantages to being able to pass around ULConnectionStringBuilder references as DBConnectionStringBuilder class references ... though I do suspect any benefits will be marginal outside of some frameworks and dev. tools.

Otherwise I don't think I found any limitation one has when compared to the other as far as SQL Anywhere features go. Other than that the nature of how you use those are definitely different. From the perspective of non-standardness, the ULConnectionParms is a pure UL extension. In contrast, ULConnectionStringBuilder is more consistent with industry practice including our SAConnectionStringBuilder; though I haven't compared those two in great detail yet.

To mist ULConnectionParms is more of the historical '?vestage?' of the 2 but I'll let others decide their respective positions on that.

Mostly just a quick review of the publically available online docs for these.


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answered 01 Apr '14, 18:23

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Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 24 Mar '14, 14:24

question was seen: 1,830 times

last updated: 01 Apr '14, 18:23