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Could you add the option to save a deployment setup so we can redeploy with the same option settings after applying an EBF to our deployment machine in the future?

Or using the deployment log, or similar created file, to redo an deployment?

asked 06 Mar '14, 12:47

vorear2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Mar '14, 03:49

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

FWIW, that product suggestion has already been made in the past, confine this (archived) NNTP thread from 2009:

scriptable DeploymentWizard.exe

(07 Mar '14, 03:47) Volker Barth

This product enhancement request is currently open as CR #719845 (to not just save response files, but also to make Deployment MSIs 'upgradable', not just 'overwritable' as they are today).

Thank you for the product suggestion.

permanent link

answered 11 Mar '14, 10:27

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

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question asked: 06 Mar '14, 12:47

question was seen: 2,084 times

last updated: 11 Mar '14, 10:27