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does any one know, if i am allowed to use the Sybase iAnywhere-Logo in my Application-Setup?

I can't find any information in the documentations.

Like this: Logo

Thank you for your.

asked 05 Jan '14, 05:26

BenEg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jan '14, 05:27

The logo you have linked to in your question is an old Sybase/iAnywhere logo, and would not longer be appropriate. The logo that would be used is the SAP Partner logo. You can see a sample here:

(08 Jan '14, 10:31) Eric Farrar

Personal experience has taught me that Sybase et al are very protective of their copyrights and trademarks, so the answer is probably "no".

You can try asking for permission (which would be a requirement before using it) but since use of the Sybase/iAnywhere logo might lead the user into believing that your product is (a) manufactured by Sybase/iAnywhere or (b) recommended by Sybase/iAnywhere or (c) certified by Sybase/iAnywhere, the answer will probably be "no".

If you are trying to get the point across that your application is "Powered by SQL Anywhere" then why don't you say that? If you ask nicely, you might be able to use the SQL Anywhere lightning bolt logo together with "Powered by SQL Anywhere". The trick is, do not say ANYTHING that implies... or even HINTS... that your product IS a Sybase product.

FWIW one thing you CAN say is "SQL Anywhere is a trademark of Sybase, Inc." somewhere (I put it on the About page in Foxhound)... that lets you say "SQL Anywhere" elsewhere in the text. BUT... be careful how you refer to "SQL Anywhere" in titles... just ... don't ... do ... that ... and you should be safe.

To repeat: Before you use a trademark or any copyright material, you must ask for permission. That's the law.

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answered 05 Jan '14, 09:31

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 05 Jan '14, 09:44

Perfect, thank you!

(05 Jan '14, 14:42) BenEg

FWIW - IF you are an SAP partner through some form of OEM agreement, they will let you use the Logo subject to certain rules - you can issue the request through your OEM manager.

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answered 05 Jan '14, 15:10

Glenn%20Barber's gravatar image

Glenn Barber
accept rate: 8%

Glenn's answer is quite correct. However, at this particular time it may be difficult as old Sybase contracts are being transitioned to SAP contracts. In the short term, if you would like to use the SAP Partner logo, please send me an email at [myfirstname].[mylastname] to discuss.

(08 Jan '14, 10:34) Eric Farrar
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question asked: 05 Jan '14, 05:26

question was seen: 2,726 times

last updated: 08 Jan '14, 10:34