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Is there a way to reset an Ultralite database to make it a "new", clean database? I accomplish this in an SQL Anywhere database by dropping the synchronization user and recreating it, but I have not been successful with accomplishing this in Ultralite.

The reason I want to do this is to be able to reset the database for a new set of data.

asked 13 Dec '13, 16:47

rstory's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Which version of UltraLite / MobiLink are you using?

(17 Dec '13, 14:16) Jeff Albion

Version 12

(17 Dec '13, 14:20) rstory

By dropping the MobiLink user in SQL Anywhere, you are essentially dropping the synchronization subscripton from that user to the publication. Since there aren't 'synchronization subscriptions' specifically in UltraLite, the only object that keeps track of data to be synchronized are the database publications. You could potentially drop those if you wanted to 'forget' the current set of data to be synchronized.

However, if you're talking about resetting an UltraLite database that has fallen out of synchronization due to "progress mismatch" messages, you may want to try the ml_reset_sync_state system procedure on the consolidated database instead.

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answered 17 Dec '13, 14:34

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

edited 17 Dec '13, 14:36

The scenario that I'm after is this. The company hands out a device to User A. User A syncs and uses the application for a while. Then User A leaves and the device is given to User B. When User B logs on the first time, I delete the contents of the database and then prepare to synchronize again to get all new data.

The application is on an iOS device. I'm trying to find a way to do it without having to recreate the database or copy a new empty database to the device.

(17 Dec '13, 15:49) rstory
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question asked: 13 Dec '13, 16:47

question was seen: 1,475 times

last updated: 17 Dec '13, 15:50