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Is it possible to login to this forum with not google external provider authentification? Trying to use OpenID urls like [username] i am get "The OpenId authentication failed: Server denied check_authentication" error message.

asked 25 Nov '13, 04:52

AlexeyK77's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

edited 25 Nov '13, 09:09

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

LJ OpenID did the job fine for me.

(25 Nov '13, 05:31) Dmitri

Ofcourse You can use external provider to login. Sybase gives the facility. For more clarification you can go through the following links:

link text and link text

Hope it will help you!

permanent link

answered 25 Nov '13, 05:37

Rajeev's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

now, it's ok with livejournal open ID. May be it's was temporary problem or just my urls missprinting.

(25 Nov '13, 08:54) AlexeyK77
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question asked: 25 Nov '13, 04:52

question was seen: 1,955 times

last updated: 25 Nov '13, 09:09