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I am currently using an ODBC data source to connect to SQLanywhere 8 database. I have Googled trying to find a Native driver however, I cannot seem to find one. Any suggestions?

asked 06 Nov '13, 10:43

drduquette's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Hi Jeff, I thought by using a Native driver I will get improved performance over ODBC. The is the reason for my Post.


(06 Nov '13, 11:58) drduquette
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Our ODBC driver already directly communicates to the database server over our native database server protocol.

When looking at database performance issues, you should start with the database server itself, and work outwards towards your clients.

Have you looked at how busy the database server is in terms of CPU, I/O, and memory in returning these queries? If the database server cannot quickly generate the query responses locally, your clients will not be able to do any better.

Have you tried looking at the testing utilities Samples\PerformanceFetch and Samples\PerformanceInsert to see raw select/insert times against your database server locally?

(06 Nov '13, 12:17) Jeff Albion

Which API are you using with your application? If you're using ODBC and you already have the ODBC driver installed (dbodbc8.dll), that is the correct driver for your scenario - why do you think you need a 'native driver'?

For the latest 8.0.3 version, you were able to use the following APIs:

  • ADO / OLE DB
  • Embedded SQL (C/C++)
  • JDBC
  • ODBC
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answered 06 Nov '13, 11:52

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

Thanks Jeff.

(06 Nov '13, 12:25) drduquette
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question asked: 06 Nov '13, 10:43

question was seen: 1,946 times

last updated: 06 Nov '13, 12:38