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Hi. How can someone who does not have their sqla 8 install media, install a sqla 8 client? Thanks, Doug

asked 18 Jul '12, 20:01

dejstone's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Some ideas:

  1. If you have the client files on another machine, you can copy them to the machine you wish to install the client on and just use them (assuming you are appropriately licensed). Note that if you are using ODBC, you will have to register the ODBC driver. The required files for client deployment are listed in the documentation.
  2. Newer SQL Anywhere clients can connect to a v8 server, so if you have a newer client install, you could use it instead.
  3. Contact sales/support and talk to them about whether or not they can help you.

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answered 19 Jul '12, 09:37

Jason%20Hinsperger's gravatar image

Jason Hinspe...
accept rate: 35%

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question asked: 18 Jul '12, 20:01

question was seen: 4,333 times

last updated: 19 Jul '12, 09:37