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I am receiving an "Invalid database" message. I have uninstalled and reinstalled SQLanywhere 8 several times. This process worked twice but its not working anymore. I am not sure why its even happening in the first place. Also, I have refreshed the database and it does not do any good.

Any suggestions will be appreciated...


asked 04 Nov '13, 11:29

drduquette's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

What specifically is the error message (please copy the error as reported and/or the error code)? If the error is diplayed in a standard message box, you can CTRL+C to copy the message as text to paste into your response.

Do you have backup and recovery plan in place should the error context suggest there is damage to the database file?

(04 Nov '13, 12:39) Chris Keating

Thanks Chris. The problem was the missing log file. As soon as I found it for the current DB version that I am using for development, the connection worked perfectly.

Thanks again.


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answered 04 Nov '13, 18:02

drduquette's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

SQLSTATE = 08001

[Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Unable to connect to database server: 
    Unable to start specified database: envio.log not expecting any operations in
    transaction log

The error message is above. To answer your second question, YES. I am using a backup of the DB each time I get it to connect however, that is not working anymore. Plus I am not sure why I need to keep reinstalling SQLanywhere.

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answered 04 Nov '13, 12:52

drduquette's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 04 Nov '13, 14:07

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow


You do not need to reinstall the software for this error.

This error suggests that the transaction log and database are not in sync. Specifically, it suggests that the transaction log is newer or not associated with the database.

Can you run dblog against the database file /transaction log file and post the results as in:

 dblog -o db.txt <your_db_file>
 dblog -o translog.txt <db_tranlog_file>

NOTE: The output of dblog will indicate the log file that the database is trying to use. It is that log file that should be used for the dblog output.

Can you also give more insight into how the database is started and stopped and how your backup and transaction log management is implemented?

(04 Nov '13, 13:13) Chris Keating

Hi Chris, I cannot find the log file. So how could I have connected in the first place if there is no DB log?

If I cannot connect to the database then how can I run the above commands?

I am using ODBC as (link text) the data source for the connection. Screen shot is attached of ODBC Administrator.


(04 Nov '13, 13:39) drduquette
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You do not need to connect to the database file to get output from dblog. Based on the error, I believe that the log file should be in the same directory as the database file - dblog output will confirm its location. If the transaction log is missing, it might be difficult to determine potential reasons for this issue.

(04 Nov '13, 14:00) Chris Keating

I am not familiar with SQLanywhere...I have barely used it in the past. Does the log file have a particulare extension or file type? Can a SQLanywhere DB run without a Log file?

(04 Nov '13, 14:16) drduquette

The output of dblog against the database file will tell me the name and location of the transaction log file. The file is envio.log based on the error message and should be in the same location as the database (based on the error message).

(04 Nov '13, 14:30) Chris Keating

Chris, Can the log file be a .txt file type? I was able to successfully connect once I downloaded the database and log however, will other RDBMS' the extension is .LOG.


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answered 04 Nov '13, 15:25

drduquette's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

The file can be named anything - by default it is the database file name with the extension .log. The output from dblog run against the database file will tell you the exact name (and path if it was specified at the time the database was created or by any operation that renamed the log file) that is being used.

(04 Nov '13, 15:46) Chris Keating
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question asked: 04 Nov '13, 11:29

question was seen: 4,780 times

last updated: 04 Nov '13, 18:02