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If one of our customer machines is restarted the Sybase SA service doesn't bind to the udp port (no sb option on the command line). We checked this with „netstat –aon | findstr 2638“. When only the service is restarted it listens on this port.
There is nothing in the server log indicating a problem or cause.
The customer has a backup server with live log and wants to switch to this server if the primary machine fails, so specifying the server tcpip address on the client side requires changing quite a lot of settings back and forth. And using a dns address adds another point of failure.
It seems to be a timing issue, perhaps adding a dependency or setting the service to delayed start could remedy the problem (Testing this is not easy as the system is in use 24/7 and it doesn't happen on the backup system), but is there a way to further diagnose this problem (apart from adding -z)?

asked 30 Jul '13, 04:42

Markus%20D%C3%BCtting's gravatar image

Markus Dütting
accept rate: 30%

edited 30 Jul '13, 05:38

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

We observe this behavior with SQLA 16 and Windows 10 computers. Any news how to solve this?

(02 Dec '16, 06:40) Martin

Did you check whether the OS event viewer provides any hints?
Do you use a recent EBF? The Supported Platforms document doesn't show any required patch level for Win10, which seems a little odd to me, as Win8, which obviously is less recent, does show one.
BTW: I'm aware that this doesn't help you out of the current situation, but SQL Anywhere 17 allows to start (and stop) listeners without restarting the server engine.

HTH anyway
Volker Stöffler

(02 Dec '16, 08:21) Volker DB-TecKy

Use Server option -xm
The server will react to changes in the IP address availability.

permanent link

answered 13 Dec '16, 03:15

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

FWIW, here's a possible similar case - which Martin is aware of, I guess:)

(13 Dec '16, 05:45) Volker Barth
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question asked: 30 Jul '13, 04:42

question was seen: 7,580 times

last updated: 13 Dec '16, 05:45