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If I convert a consolidated database from ASA11 to ASA16 and leave the Mobilink db's ASA11, will the ML db's do a full sync or will the ASA16 db know where to "start" syncing from?

What is the proper ML client to use if the ML db is ASA11 and the consolidated is ASA16?


Tom Mangano

asked 25 Jul '13, 06:41

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Tom Mangano
accept rate: 8%

If I convert a consolidated database from ASA11 to ASA16 and leave the Mobilink db's ASA11, will the ML db's do a full sync or will the ASA16 db know where to "start" syncing from?

All of the MobiLink system data are kept in the system tables, so rebuilding the database should keep the MobiLink system data. If/when you upgrade the MobiLink server to version 16, that is when you will want run the 'upgrade' SQL scripts against the MobiLink system tables to bring them up to version 16.


What is the proper ML client to use if the ML db is ASA11 and the consolidated is ASA16?

The version of dbmlsync should match the version of the remote database, and the remote version needs to be compatible with the MobiLink server. MobiLink 16 is compatible with version 11 or later remotes.


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answered 25 Jul '13, 07:37

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Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

edited 25 Jul '13, 07:37

I was planning an unload of the ASA11 db and a reload into an empty ASA16. Does the upgrade of the ASA11 db give me all of the features of a new ASA16? Should I upgrade the ASA11 db, unload the upgraded db and then reload into the ASA16 db?

(25 Jul '13, 08:37) Tom Mangano
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(25 Jul '13, 11:25) Breck Carter
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question asked: 25 Jul '13, 06:41

question was seen: 1,361 times

last updated: 25 Jul '13, 11:25