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Hi, I am encountering the following error when i try to connect the ultralite 12 database using sybase central(

"could not connect to database"

"data source name not found and no default driver specified"

I have also tried register the ulodbc12.dll as suggested but no success.

regards vhm

asked 26 Jun '13, 23:14

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What bitness is Sybase Central? Is the odbc driver bitness the same?

(27 Jun '13, 07:38) Chris Keating

yes it is same

(28 Jun '13, 03:10) vhm

I can only reproduce this problem if the driver is not in fact installed.

If Sybase Central is 32 bit, please check that there is an entry "UltraLite 12" on 32 OS, in the registry node. For 64 bit OS, the node would be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREODBCODBCINST.INI.

To register the 32 bit driver, execute the following:

C:WindowsSysWOW64regsvr32.exe %sqlany12%bin32ulodbc12.dll

If Sybase Central is 64 bit, check for that folder in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREODBCODBCINST.INI

To register the 64 bit driver, execute the following: C:Windowssystem32regsvr32.exe %sqlany12%bin64ulodbc12.dll

(28 Jun '13, 13:40) Chris Keating
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question asked: 26 Jun '13, 23:14

question was seen: 1,791 times

last updated: 28 Jun '13, 13:40