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Do the following server console messages always appear in English, or does the language depend on the installed language of SQL Anywhere 11.0.1?

Starting checkpoint of "ddd11" (ddd11.db) at Fri Jan 21 2011 07:18
Finished checkpoint of "ddd11" (ddd11.db) at Fri Jan 21 2011 07:18

I am writing code to watch for checkpoints by calling sa_server_messages() every once in a while, and I want to tell the "Starting" apart from the "Finished".

I am happy to build in a table of translations... IF I knew what words are actually used :)


asked 21 Jan '11, 15:52

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

BTW, what about testing/"debugging" with the DBLANG tool?

(21 Jan '11, 17:42) Volker Barth

@Volker: Awesome suggestion! ( hope it works :)

(21 Jan '11, 21:05) Breck Carter

SQL Anywhere Network Server Version in a German setup (the same with

Start des Checkpoints von "ddd11" (ddd11.db) am/um Freitag, 21. Januar 2011 17:05
Setzen des Checkpoints von "ddd11" (ddd11.db) beendet am/um Freitag, 21. Januar 2011 17:05

Graeme will help to translate:)

Volker suggested using dblang.exe, and that works pretty well... except that the result for several languages is not readable, in either the resulting dbeng11 -o file or the result set returned by sa_server_messages. Here are the checkpoint-related excerpts from all the -o files produced after dblang.exe changed the language:

I. 22.01 05:53:04. Start des Checkpoints von "ddd11" (ddd11.db) am/um Samstag, 22. Januar 2011 05:53
I. 22.01 05:53:04. Setzen des Checkpoints von "ddd11" (ddd11.db) beendet am/um Samstag, 22. Januar 2011 05:53

I. 01/22 05:54:10. Starting checkpoint of "ddd11" (ddd11.db) at Sat Jan 22 2011 05:54
I. 01/22 05:54:10. Finished checkpoint of "ddd11" (ddd11.db) at Sat Jan 22 2011 05:54

I. 22/01 05:53:09. Inicio de verificación "ddd11" (ddd11.db) el Sáb, 22 ene 2011 05:53
I. 22/01 05:53:09. Verificación "ddd11" (ddd11.db) completada el Sáb, 22 ene 2011 05:53

I. 22/01 05:53:14. Démarrage du point de reprise de "ddd11" (ddd11.db) le sam 22 jan 2011 05:53
I. 22/01 05:53:14. Le point de reprise de "ddd11" (ddd11.db) s'est achevé le sam 22 jan 2011 05:53

I. 22/01 05:53:19. Avvio del punto di arresto di "ddd11" (ddd11.db): sabato, 22 gennaio 2011 05:53
I. 22/01 05:53:19. Terminato il punto di arresto di "ddd11" (ddd11.db): sabato, 22 gennaio 2011 05:53

I. 01/22 05:53:25. Sat Jan 22 2011 05:53  "ddd11" (ddd11.db) 
I. 01/22 05:53:25. Sat Jan 22 2011 05:53  "ddd11" (ddd11.db)

I. 01/22 05:53:30. Sat Jan 22 2011 05:53 "ddd11"(ddd11.db)  .
I. 01/22 05:53:30. Sat Jan 22 2011 05:53 "ddd11"(ddd11.db)  .

I. 01/22 05:53:35. Pradedamas tikrinti "ddd11" (ddd11.db) kontrolinis taškas Šeš, 2011 Sau 22 05:53
I. 01/22 05:53:35. "ddd11" (ddd11.db) kontrolinio taško pabaiga Šeš, 2011 Sau 22 05:53

I. 22/01 05:53:40. Pocztek punktu kontrolnego "ddd11" (ddd11.db) o Sob 22 Sty 2011 05:53
I. 22/01 05:53:40. Zakoczono punkt kontrolny "ddd11" (ddd11.db) o Sob 22 Sty 2011 05:53

I. 22/01 05:53:45. Iniciando o checkpoint de "ddd11" (ddd11.db), Sáb, 22 jan 2011 05:53
I. 22/01 05:53:45. Checkpoint de "ddd11" (ddd11.db) terminado Sáb, 22 jan 2011 05:53

I. 22/01 05:53:51.    "ddd11" (ddd11.db)  ?? 22 ??? 2011 05:53
I. 22/01 05:53:51.    "ddd11" (ddd11.db)  ?? 22 ??? 2011 05:53

I. 01/22 05:53:56.  "ddd11" (ddd11.db)  Sat Jan 22 2011 05:53
I. 01/22 05:53:56.  "ddd11" (ddd11.db)  Sat Jan 22 2011 05:53

I. 22/01 05:54:01.    "ddd11" (ddd11.db)  ??? 22 ??? 2011 05:54
I. 22/01 05:54:01.    "ddd11" (ddd11.db)  ??? 22 ??? 2011 05:54

I. 01/22 05:54:06? Sat Jan 22 2011 05:54  "ddd11" (ddd11.db)
I. 01/22 05:54:06? Sat Jan 22 2011 05:54  "ddd11" (ddd11.db) 
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answered 21 Jan '11, 16:19

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 22 Jan '11, 18:41

BTW, that doesn't answer the title question, but I hope it satisfies the "...IF I knew" part:)

(21 Jan '11, 16:20) Volker Barth

Yep, "Checkpoints" is the first German word I learned after "der Lippenstift", though I don't use either one all that often. :-)

(21 Jan '11, 18:37) Graeme Perrow

@Volker: It doesn't answer the title question? I thought it did... unless "Start des Checkpoints..." isn't German :)

(21 Jan '11, 21:01) Breck Carter

@Graeme: That sounds pornografisch :)

(21 Jan '11, 21:02) Breck Carter

Server messages are written to the console log file in OS language & OS character set. Characters in some languages are not representable in some character sets. Fetching messages from the server via sa_server_messages() will also pass the strings through a translation to database charset then to client charset. Parsing messages in multiple languages and character sets will be very, very painful.

(22 Jan '11, 13:09) John Smirnios

@Breck: Interestingly enough, the really well-done German doc setup doesn't have a translation for "Checkpoint", so, yes, Graeme is right, it's an German word, obviously ... cf. It's nice that SQLA helps me understanding my native language better:)

(22 Jan '11, 18:47) Volker Barth

@Breck: According to the timestamps, the German version is the fastest w.r.t. checkpointing - now that's OK with me:)

(22 Jan '11, 20:42) Volker Barth

Under Russian Windows (SA10.0.1.4157 on WinXP SP3 Prof Rus), it is perfectly readable as follows:

I. 23/01 00:08:13. Запуск контрольной точки "trade" (trade.db) в Вс 23 Янв 2011 00:08 I. 23/01 00:08:13. Завершение контрольной точки "trade" (trade.db) в Вс 23 Янв 2011 00:08

(not that it makes sense for those who does not know Russian :))

(22 Jan '11, 21:12) Dmitri
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Would watching for increments in db_property('Chkpt') work for you or are you parsing the messages as part of some other analysis too?

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answered 22 Jan '11, 02:14

John%20Smirnios's gravatar image

John Smirnios
accept rate: 37%

Oops, I forgot about that property :) What I am watching for is a checkpoint that starts but never ends, where the definition of "never" is to be determined. Sooo, db_property ( 'chkpt' ) won't help because it treats a checkpoint as an instant-in-time event... it doesn't matter if it's set at the start, middle or end of a checkpoint, I need both start and end.

(22 Jan '11, 09:17) Breck Carter
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question asked: 21 Jan '11, 15:52

question was seen: 3,006 times

last updated: 22 Jan '11, 18:41