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HI, we have observed that most of the time the remote DB get corrupted if there is a connection failure ( line down ) back to console server. is there any way to prevent this ? we have set the sync interval from every 2 min to 10 min depends on the publication respectively. the corruption happening in all the version of Sql anywhere ( ver 10,11 and 12).

TIA vhm

asked 12 Feb '13, 20:37

vhm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What is the exact symptom (messages, etc) for the "corrupted" condition?

(13 Feb '13, 08:53) Breck Carter

Exact client software type (UL, SA or ULJ) and versions and build numbers will also be required.

(13 Feb '13, 09:19) RussC_FromSAP

Client software type is SA and version 10,11 and 12 and the message displayed is "missing Log files" .

(18 Feb '13, 02:16) vhm
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Which build numbers are you using?

(18 Feb '13, 03:21) Volker Barth

version 10.0.1 build 3415 version 11.0.1 build 2044

(20 Feb '13, 21:25) vhm

If the error is "missing log files", we'll need to know some more information :

1)Where are you storing the database file and active transaction log?

2) What is the start line for the dbeng12/dbsrv12 process that starts the database engine at the remote site?

3) What is the start line for the dbmlsync process at the remote site?

4) Do you perform any backups that rename,restart or delete the active transaction log?

Thanks, Reg

(21 Feb '13, 09:50) Reg Domaratzki
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Without knowing exactly what you mean by "corruption" I can only guess that you might be doing implicit or explicit COMMITs in your synchronization scripts, which breaks MobiLink's built-in recovery from dropped connections. As stated in the Mobilink documentation:

There should be no implicit or explicit commit or rollback in your SQL synchronization scripts or the procedures or triggers that are called from your SQL synchronization scripts. COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements within SQL scripts alter the transactional nature of the synchronization steps. If you use them, MobiLink cannot guarantee the integrity of your data in the event of a failure.

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answered 13 Feb '13, 12:14

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Graham Hurst
accept rate: 29%

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question asked: 12 Feb '13, 20:37

question was seen: 1,948 times

last updated: 21 Feb '13, 10:29