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Hello i want ask you an help with an application that run on asa 11 database, usually there are about 15/20 client connected. but sometime application hang and sybase doesn't accept other connections, from syabse I didn't find any deadlock.

the only way to restore normal functionality is to restart sybase service

I would like to know it there is a log/motitoring that can be enabled/configured to indentify and un undestand the reason of this problem


asked 09 Jan '13, 09:33

AgostinoF's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

does the sybase process hang or is it utilizing one CPU (Core) to 100%

(10 Jan '13, 03:26) Martin

Try any of the -z options for the database server to enable diagnostic logging

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answered 10 Jan '13, 03:24

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

This may have very different reasons. Apply the latest EBF for 11.0.1 and then retry. You may increase the minimal MPL by the server switch -gnl NN.

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answered 10 Jan '13, 06:05

Hartmut%20Branz's gravatar image

Hartmut Branz
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 09 Jan '13, 09:33

question was seen: 1,619 times

last updated: 10 Jan '13, 06:05