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[SQL Anywhere on Windows 2008 R2 Standard 64 bit]

I have three database servers (dbsrv12.exes) running on the same machine and I would like to be able to use Windows Performance Monitor to monitor them. However, when I select counters from within the 'SQL Anywhere 12 Server' performance object, the list of instances only shows one of the three servers and it always seems to be the server that was started first.

I can change which one of the three servers appears in the list of instances by adding '-ks 0' to the other two but this still only allows me to monitor one server at a time.

Is there any way of getting multiple servers to show up in the list of instances?

asked 08 Nov '12, 05:01

Luke's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

edited 08 Nov '12, 05:29

Only one server at a time is supported in perfmon. I believe Sybase Central provides some similar monitoring capabilities though I don't know if you can monitor multiple servers in the same graph or if you need two instances of Sybase Central. You can also query all of the counters via the property(), connection_property() and database_property() functions.

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answered 08 Nov '12, 10:41

John%20Smirnios's gravatar image

John Smirnios
accept rate: 37%

edited 08 Nov '12, 10:44

Thanks for the answer.

(08 Nov '12, 10:46) Luke

You can also query all of the counters via the property(), connection_property() and database_property() functions.

To clarify:

So that does mean these properties are available for multiple servers on the same machine in parallel (i.e. one simply has to query the appropriate database server) - and it's just a perfmon limitation that that tool can only monitor one server at a time?

(09 Nov '12, 03:58) Volker Barth
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It is a limitation of SA that we don't provide multiple server instances in perfmon. Perfmon doesn't get the statistics from the database server via SQL queries. One server presents a block of shared memory by a known name that perfmon (via SA's dbctrs12.dll) looks at to get the statistics. The perfmon method is definitely a lower overhead and less disruptive method for monitoring statistics(ie, you aren't executing queries to monitor statistics about executing queries) but the SQL method can be sufficient and more flexible depending on what information you are looking for.

(09 Nov '12, 06:34) John Smirnios

Foxhound lets you monitor up to 100 servers. The Evaluation Edition is still available, for a limited time until Foxhound 2 is released.

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answered 09 Nov '12, 08:38

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

Now, that is focussed marketing:)

(09 Nov '12, 08:39) Volker Barth

You can also use the SQL Anywhere Monitor to monitor multiple SA servers, as well as MobiLink servers and Relay Servers.

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answered 14 Nov '12, 14:54

Graham%20Hurst's gravatar image

Graham Hurst
accept rate: 29%

edited 14 Nov '12, 14:54

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question asked: 08 Nov '12, 05:01

question was seen: 3,835 times

last updated: 14 Nov '12, 14:54