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We're having some sporadic performance issues in each application that accesses our database. I can't really tie it to load. We suspected a set of specific procedures, although we can run them via ISQL with no issues. I'm trying to do some Application Profiling and capturing in a tracing database. I've tried several options (on and off) but always get stopped at a certain point in creating the profiling database. Error: An error occurred while trying to create the tracing database. An error occurred while attempting to unload the database 'Billing2'. * SQL error: Syntax error near 'sajdbc'

Caused by: An error occurred while attempting to unload the database 'Billing2'.

Any suggestions? TIA.
Becky Snyder Bradley University

asked 20 Aug '19, 11:57

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Although it is specifically about v12, you may find this (un-official) step-by-step guide from Breck Carter helps:

(20 Aug '19, 14:10) Justin Willey
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And do also consider the comments there, the same step seem to have failed for other folks...

(21 Aug '19, 03:36) Volker Barth
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question asked: 20 Aug '19, 11:57

question was seen: 912 times

last updated: 21 Aug '19, 03:36