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Can anyone explain what it means when the connection property ApproximateCPUTime reports a negative number? eg:

Connection   ApproximateCPUTime
166120     99.9022592
168238   -291.7336064
166454       60.386816
166239      157.9194368
165427      83.1776768
167650      -190.4094208
166385      -540.6988288
165605      76.5517824
165483     107.3747968
166126      35.1598592

I can't see anything in the way that it is described in the docs that would suggest a negative number would be expected. Thanks

v10.0.1 - values retrieved with sa_connection_properties()

asked 01 Nov '12, 13:30

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%

edited 01 Nov '12, 13:33

What OS are you using?

(01 Nov '12, 13:38) Phil Mitchell
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Hi - it's Windows 2008 Server

(01 Nov '12, 13:44) Justin Willey

Which version of SQL Anywhere are you using? You may be encountering CR #655981, fixed in

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answered 01 Nov '12, 14:11

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

Yup -its older than that version. An upgrade is now planned, if it still happens I'll report back. Many thanks.

(05 Nov '12, 15:18) Justin Willey
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question asked: 01 Nov '12, 13:30

question was seen: 1,732 times

last updated: 05 Nov '12, 15:18