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We have an UltraliteJ application that creates a .udb file called customers.udb. We are trying to unload the database to an xml file using ulunload -c "DBF=customers.udb" test.xml. No matter what we do, the ulunload utility keeps saying that customers.udb is not a database. Has anyone had success with this utility? It seems like it would be simple but maybe our syntax is off.

asked 26 Oct '12, 10:05

Codecranker's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

We really need to know which platform you are targeting. UltraLiteJ for Android uses UltraLiteC to manage database files, so you would use UltraLiteC utilities such as ulunload. UltraLiteJ for BlackBerry and J2SE uses a pure Java library to manage database files (which are formatted differently), so you would use UltraLiteJ utilities such as uljunload. Typically, .ulj is used for the database file extension for the latter, but that is not required.

It could be that you are using UltraLiteJ for J2SE to create the database, and using UltraLiteC utilities.

The SQL Anywhere version and build number would also be helpful. Thanks.

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answered 26 Oct '12, 10:55

Andy%20Quick's gravatar image

Andy Quick
accept rate: 45%

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question asked: 26 Oct '12, 10:05

question was seen: 1,258 times

last updated: 26 Oct '12, 10:55