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Okay, this is the dumb and dumbest question. I have been working hard writing code and not knowing what I am working with and I just came to a hard stop. Error -98. I can not create a user, add a table, etc... I downloaded the developer version of Sqlanywhere 10. That is the version that is existing on the DB I am using select to get data. I created a second db to write the data. I can read all day long, I can not write or add a user via sybase central sqlanywhere. I am trying to understand the "Authentication", I am not understanding it. Is it a purchased copy or is it a keyset I have to make between the db and the application?

This tells you I am really new to sybase. I don't know what it means. Please advise if I need to buy something or if it is a connection string.

Thanks, a direction is appreciated, really appreciated.


asked 06 Jun '12, 18:09

George's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Jun '12, 03:22

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

The -98 error is only reported on an Authenticated Edition engine. Many commercial applications use the Authenticated Edition. Their applications get full access to the database engine and external connections get limited (generally read-only) access. What I suspect, given that you have installed the developer's edition, is that there is a third party application using the authenticated edition and that software is being run instead.

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answered 07 Jun '12, 08:51

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

Very possible. We purchased read access to the db from the company, I installed the developer sybase 10 (to match the version they use) to do my VB development. Your thoughts sound like they are correct. I think the next question, I am only doing a read from their db with a creation of a couple of proxy tables in MY separate db, what you describe is what I experience, but I am not understanding why it affects my separate DB, do I need to create a running service with the path to the developers dvscv/engine, I am using theirs in their location. c:/dir/dir/dbsrc and not c:program files/.... etc . Is it possible to have a developers version using my db and their authenticated version to access their db. Interaction is live.

(07 Jun '12, 11:50) George
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I suspect that the problem is related to how you are starting and/or connecting to your database.. If there is already an engine running, it is possible that your database is being loaded on that engine. The solution with be either : 1) Specifying an unique server name and specifying the START to use you engine install


2) Prestart your database on a server and connect it it rather than autostart. the database.

The approach you take will depend on your usage but I would consider option 2 in many cases.

Also, please note that the developer's edition is indented for development and you will need to obtain a license if this is used in production.

(07 Jun '12, 12:17) Chris Keating

If you are about to let two different database engines run on the same machine (i.e. the v10 OEM and your developer edition), I would strongly recommend to use a different major version for your own edition, say v11.0.1 or v12.0.1. More on this can be found in this FAQ:

Can I install two setups of the same major version on the same box? - where the official answer is: "NO" (at least under Windows).

(Note, it does not affect the situation of running two engines on two different boxes.)

(08 Jun '12, 03:20) Volker Barth

What is the initial version you used ?

Basically there exists two versions:

  • Full product (in many variants)
  • OEM edition which has some limitations, but also allows you to write to the DB

Is your login to the existing db perhaps restricted to readonly access ?

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answered 07 Jun '12, 08:20

ASchild's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 06 Jun '12, 18:09

question was seen: 2,818 times

last updated: 08 Jun '12, 03:22