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I have 25 remote databases to upgrade in four states and doing the upgrade all at once just didn't work. I am now thinking about creating a version 11 consolidated database and then making the old consolidated a remote as well as keeping it as the old consolidated. I would sync from the old v9 database to the new v11 that way I can upgrade the remotes one at a time. I saw that I should use on the -xo switch on mlsrv to sync from the v9 db to v11. What I couldn't find is if I can use the same server for the upgraded remotes or if I need to have two instances of mlsrv with different ports?


asked 21 May '12, 16:46

jimboidaho's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You should probably start by upgrading the consolidated to V11 and make sure all the V9 remotes can synchronize with mlsrv11 -xo.

Then, celebrate.

Then upgrade one remote and test that; run mlsrv11 with both -x and -xo and different ports.

Celebrate again.

Then proceed with the rest as your schedule / sanity / bar budget permits. There should be no reason to run the old consolidated as a remote... folks run varying versions of remotes all the time (and I mean all the time, in some cases forever).

See this this paragraph in the V11 Help...

SQL Anywhere 11 - Changes and Upgrading » What's new in version 10.0.0 » MobiLink » New features » MobiLink server

New -xo option for older clients

To connect the MobiLink server to version 8 or 9 clients, you should use the mlsrv10 -xo option, which is identical to the dbmlsrv9 -x option. You can support version 8 and 9 clients, as well as version 10 clients, from one instance of mlsrv10, but to do so you need to use two different ports.

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answered 21 May '12, 16:59

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

How do you have two port numbers with one instance of the program? I have never seen that before.

(21 May '12, 18:03) jimboidaho
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See the documentation of the mlsrv11 -x and -xo options. Each of them let you specify a port number for the tcpip traffic. Note that these options apply to the traffic between mlsrv11 and the dbmlsync clients, not mlsrv11 and the consolidated database (which is governed by the mlsrv11 -c option)... in other words, mlsrv11 can deal with three different ports at once :)

(21 May '12, 20:46) Breck Carter

FWIW, it should be noted that SQL Anywhere 12 has discontinued the mlsrvXX -xo option, so you might be glad to move your remotes to v10/v11 before you're about to move your consoilidated to v12 or above...

(Yes, there are other workarounds, but the nice easy road Breck is suggesting would not work witth v12, AFAIK.)

BTW, I like that "celebrate" step:)

(22 May '12, 04:50) Volker Barth
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Thanks Breck, Volker.

(22 May '12, 10:55) jimboidaho
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(22 May '12, 11:15) Volker Barth

Sadly, I am finding more and more reasons for clients to avoid V12, and I have high hopes for V16, but that's a discussion for another day.

(22 May '12, 11:23) Breck Carter
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question asked: 21 May '12, 16:46

question was seen: 1,533 times

last updated: 22 May '12, 11:24