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How to migrate pb 10.5 to pb 12.5.. Is there any tool for that..

asked 09 May '12, 03:36

vicky%203i's gravatar image

vicky 3i
accept rate: 0%

edited 09 May '12, 16:08

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

The tool is PowerBuilder. PB will ask to migrate the PBLs when you open the 10.5 PBLs in PB 12.5.

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answered 09 May '12, 07:26

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

Looks like you're asking about PowerBuilder. This forum has it's focus on SQL Anywhere. So you're probably better off in a forum like See PB Newsgroups

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answered 09 May '12, 06:17

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%

Hi Vicky

The PowerBuilder 12.5 migration consists of the standard Powerbuilder migration (always backup your PBLs beforehand) but also 12.5 comes with SQL Anywhere 12 so you may also want to migrate your SA database from Version 11 to Version 12 (although it is not required).

The SQL Anywhere migration is done separately and is also well documented - basically it requires an unload of the Version 11 and a reload into a new V12 database. Version 12 of SA will not directly run a Version 11 database.

We have a large PB classic application with very complex datawindow queries that's been evolved since PB version 5 and are in the process of checking it out with PowerBuilder 12.5 and SQL Anywhere 12. The only problems we have experienced so far is that SQL Anywhere 11 and earlier applied a natural order to some of the query results whereas in Version 12 the order is much more random. So if you weren't paying attention to the order of the results in your datawindows (either the order by in the SQL or the Sort in the datawindow) sometime you may find that things appear in an order different than expected. This is usually simple to correct by applying the sort in the datawindow.

You might note that for some of our complex queries the SA V12 version was as much as 40% faster than V11.

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answered 09 May '12, 13:03

Glenn%20Barber's gravatar image

Glenn Barber
accept rate: 8%

edited 09 May '12, 13:05


Version 12 of SA will not directly run a Version 11 database.

A version 12 server will run databases created by Version 10 and 11 software.

The database file must be recreated only when migrating from Version 9 or earlier to Version 10 or later.

(09 May '12, 15:54) Breck Carter
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Where does it even say that she is using SA11?

(09 May '12, 17:53) Calvin Allen
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I think Glenn Barber meant "Version 9 database" since that was the version included with PowerBuilder 10.5.

(10 May '12, 13:52) Graham Hurst

I misspoke here, I am assuming she was using the V9 that came with the earlier version.

(10 May '12, 20:32) Glenn Barber


(10 May '12, 20:32) Glenn Barber
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question asked: 09 May '12, 03:36

question was seen: 8,650 times

last updated: 10 May '12, 20:32