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Hi Experts-

I'm looking for a solution for the below situations,

1 When the source file/table not available in the specified folder I need to stop the execution of my script and the script should stop the ETL work flow/Job automatically.

2 When the source file/table contains error data say, the source table contains 20 records among which 5 contains error data. I need to have a script in place which will remind me that only 15 records were processed and 5 were excluded for error table. In this scenario I need to send an email to the customer with the complete details automatically.

3 Once the Errored data was corrected and placed in a source location I need pick that table/file and need to carry the required process to create a stage table. Once the stage table creation was done which should trigger the ETL work flow automatically.

4 Once the Stage table created, I need to archive the source table automatically.

Please share me your Ideas will these can be achieved else I need to rely on my ETL tool?

Thanks In advance.


asked 03 May '12, 09:22

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Ask more specific questions. As you can see a question like "how to develop an ETL tool by myself" will not bring you any relevant answers.

(04 May '12, 03:18) Martin

As Martin indicated, please give us some more context on what you are trying to do? Are you writing an application (ODBC?, ESQL?, which API?) or are you attempting to write a stored-procedure that loads the data? When you say 'script', what scripting language are you using?

(04 May '12, 09:55) Mark Culp

1 When the source file/table not available in the specified folder I need to stop the execution of my script and the script should stop the ETL work flow/Job automatically.

Details - I'm implementing DWH for the first time. On this context I want to write Sybase IQ script which should extract the source file/table to create a stage table. Here I want to carry different exceptions handling, among which one is when a source file/table not found I dont need to create a Stage table with 0 records and I need to stop the query execution and I should get an Email with the description of the exception. This complete should be automated.

2 When the source file/table contains error data say, the source table contains 20 records among which 5 contains error data. I need to have a script in place which will remind me that only 15 records were processed and 5 were excluded for error table. In this scenario I need to send an email to the customer with the complete details automatically.

Details - This is one more exception handling. The source file/table having error data, I need to extract complete data to my stage table where I will carry the required data checks with my Sybase IQ script and pull back the error records alone into a (error) table and I need to move this error table in to a specific folder/server. The error table creation should be emailed to the customer. This whole process needs to be automated.

3 Once the Errored data was corrected and placed in a source location I need pick that table/file and need to carry the required process to create a stage table. Once the stage table creation was done which should trigger the ETL work flow automatically.

Details - In Step#2 we sent an email to the customer about the error table creation. The customer will do the required changes to the errored data and sent back the file/table to our source server from where we need to take the corrected table and create the stage table. Once the stage table creation was done I need to trigger my ETL tool (Informatica) to process the Stage table. The required script ahould be In sybase IQ and this should be automated.

4 Once the Stage table created, I need to archive the source table automatically.

Details - I got the required answer by myself for this query. I can accomplish this task with my ETL informatica.

Please let me know If you need more details but please suggest me your views.

Thanks In advance.


(06 May '12, 01:56) Balas

Please note that this forum is specific to SQL Anywhere. While SQL Anywhere provides some of the core functionality of Sybase IQ, they are not the same product. You can likely find a more suitable forum for this question at

(07 May '12, 16:13) Phil Mitchell
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question asked: 03 May '12, 09:22

question was seen: 2,353 times

last updated: 07 May '12, 16:13