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I have a long binary field in an Android UltraliteJ database and when I insert a value into it the byte array is around 800-900K in length. However, when I select it out it's less than 64K and not an image. The length returned varies depending on the length of the byte array I inserted. If I compress the image so it's around 20K it is returned from the select statement as the same size and is displayed as an image.

The database is in the applications Data folder on a Galaxy Nexus, Android version 4.0.1.

This is version

Is this is a bug or are long binary columns limited to 64k on Android?

Thanks, Jonathan

EDIT I've tried both resultset.getBytes(x) and resultset.getBlobInputStream and both have returned the same byte array (the wrong one).


PreparedStatement command_statement; 
command_statement = connection.prepareStatement(commandText); 
command_statement.set(x + 1, byteArray); 
Log.v("Test","Insert Byte Array - " + Integer.toString(byteArray.length));

asked 17 Apr '12, 16:43

J%20Chapman's gravatar image

J Chapman
accept rate: 66%

edited 18 Apr '12, 13:16

Calvin%20Allen's gravatar image

Calvin Allen

Please add the details, how you currently try to read the blob data

(18 Apr '12, 03:08) Martin
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Post the code you are using.

(18 Apr '12, 08:48) Calvin Allen

Further, please post the code that you are using for both write and read of the binary column. There was a bug, fixed in, with PreparedStatement.set() with a String parameter - see CR 693856. However, this may be a different issue. Thanks.

(18 Apr '12, 09:23) Andy Quick

After reviewing the consolidated database it is the insert that is failing. If I take the bytearray that I pass to the set method it's 707784 long. If I look in the consolidated database it's 52424. The code we use for the insert is

PreparedStatement command_statement; command_statement = connection.prepareStatement(commandText); command_statement.set(x + 1, byteArray); Log.v("Test","Insert Byte Array - " + Integer.toString(byteArray.length));

(18 Apr '12, 10:35) J Chapman

I just updated to 3605 with no change in the result.

(18 Apr '12, 12:20) J Chapman
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After consulting with Chris, I have determined that this is a bug with PreparedStatement.set(int,byte[]). The byte array is limited to 32 KB in size right now. I will fix that in an upcoming release. There is no such limitation on long binary columns in UltraLite databases, and, as a workaround, you could use PreparedStatement.getBlobOutputStream(int) to get a, and use that to write the value into the long binary field. Thanks.

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answered 18 Apr '12, 13:53

Andy%20Quick's gravatar image

Andy Quick
accept rate: 45%

Do you have a engineering number to track this bug? I doesn't look like it was fixed in the April 30th release. Thanks

(02 May '12, 16:26) dmck

The engineering case is 705696 and was addressed in or later. The EBF released on April 30th is and as such does not include this change.

(02 May '12, 16:30) Chris Keating
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FWIW, the CR description is here.

(03 May '12, 03:22) Volker Barth
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question asked: 17 Apr '12, 16:43

question was seen: 2,679 times

last updated: 03 May '12, 03:22