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Through trial and error learning about Agents in Sybase Central, I have a number of remote databases and agent database defined that no longer exist. I was hoping to do some cleanup and remove/delete these but cannot find any “delete” option. Right-clicking in Sybase Central only brings up a properties window. Is there a way to delete obsolete remote databases and agent databases from the consolidated Sybase Central?

asked 26 Mar '12, 11:30

TL1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 26 Mar '12, 12:44

RussC_FromSAP's gravatar image


In "Agents" folder, you can right click and delete any agent. This will automatically remove the agent database associated with that agent.

For you own databases, I'm not sure why they can't be deleted using the GUI, but there is a stored procedure you can use instead.

ml_delete_remote_id( 'your_remote_id' )
permanent link

answered 26 Mar '12, 14:04

Michael%20Thode's gravatar image

Michael Thode
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 26 Mar '12, 11:30

question was seen: 1,717 times

last updated: 26 Mar '12, 14:04