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It's being thrown as an exception by ULConnection.Synchronize() in a C# SQL Anywhere 12 UltraLite.Net Windows Mobile application.

Does it mean that the MobiLink client can't find the MobiLink server? Nothing is showing up in the MobiLink server -ot file.

Is there any way to get more diagnostic information about this exception?

asked 10 Sep '10, 13:17

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

If you are getting the error SQLE_MOBILINK_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR code, a good step to start diagnosis would be to check the system specific error code, which should be returned with the exception.

(10 Sep '10, 21:36) Tyson Lewis
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@Tyson: OK, but how? Here on SQLA we REALLY LIKE actual code examples. BTW SQLE_MOBILINK_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR does not appear anywhere in the Help, nor in a Google Search.

(11 Sep '10, 11:22) Breck Carter

Based on an example from our documentation:

public void Sync()
            _conn.Synchronize( this );
            _inSync = false;
         catch( ULException uEx ){
            if( uEx.NativeError == ULSQLCode.SQLE_MOBILINK_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR )
                    "StreamErrorCode = " + 
                     _conn.SyncResult.StreamErrorCode.ToString() + 
                  + "StreamErrorContext = " + 
                    _conn.SyncResult.StreamErrorContext + "\r\n"
                  + "StreamErrorID = " + 
                    _conn.SyncResult.StreamErrorID + "\r\n"
                  + "StreamErrorSystem = " + 
                    _conn.SyncResult.StreamErrorSystem + "\r\n"
         catch(System.Exception ex )

Full documentation page:

permanent link

answered 13 Sep '10, 19:32

Josh%20Savill's gravatar image

Josh Savill
accept rate: 27%

edited 13 Sep '10, 19:44

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question asked: 10 Sep '10, 13:17

question was seen: 3,394 times

last updated: 28 Sep '10, 21:14